As parents, we always want our babies to feel safe, secure, and comfortable. One way to help them achieve that is by introducing a security blanket. A security blanket is a soft, familiar object that can provide comfort and a sense of security to your baby. 

Introducing a security blanket to your baby can be a simple and effective method to help them sleep better, reduce anxiety, and provide comfort in unfamiliar surroundings. In this article, we'll discuss how to introduce a security blanket to your baby.

1. Choose the Right Blanket

When choosing a security blanket for your baby, you want to make sure it's safe and appropriate for their age. Look for a blanket that is soft, lightweight, and made from breathable material. 

Avoid blankets with loose threads, ribbons, or any other small parts that your baby could swallow or choke on. Also, make sure the blanket is washable and easy to clean.

2. Introduce the Blanket During Sleep Time

Introducing a security blanket during sleep time is the best way to help your baby associate the blanket with sleep and comfort. You can place the blanket near your baby while they are sleeping or wrap them in the blanket while they sleep. Be sure to keep a close eye on your baby to make sure they are comfortable and safe.

3. Use the Blanket as a Transition Object

A security blanket can also be used as a transition object to help your baby feel more comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. You can bring the blanket with you when you're out and about or when you're traveling. This will help your baby feel more secure and at ease in new environments.

4. Make the Blanket a Part of Your Baby's Routine

Integrating the security blanket into your baby's routine is another way to help them associate the blanket with a sense of comfort and security. You can use the blanket during nap time, bedtime, or any other time when your baby needs to feel comforted. 

Over time, your baby will begin to recognise the blanket as a familiar object and will feel a sense of security when they see it.

5. Avoid Overuse of the Blanket

While a security blanket can be a great tool to help your baby feel safe and secure, it's important not to overuse it. Using the blanket too often can lead to dependency and may make it difficult for your baby to fall asleep without it. It's important to strike a balance and use the blanket only when your baby needs it.

6. Make Sure the Blanket Smells Like You

Your baby has a strong sense of smell and is comforted by familiar scents, especially the scent of their parents. Before introducing the security blanket to your baby, sleep with it for a few nights to transfer your scent onto the blanket. This will help your baby associate the blanket with your comforting presence. 


Introducing a security blanket to your baby can be a simple and effective way to help them feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Choosing the right blanket, introducing it during sleep time, using it as a transition object, making it a part of your baby's routine, avoiding overuse, and making sure the blanket smells like you are all important steps in introducing a security blanket to your baby. 

With time, your baby will begin to associate the blanket with a sense of comfort and security, making it an essential tool for parents looking to help their babies sleep better and reduce anxiety.

Blankids is your one-stop shop for the best customised baby blankets in Australia. We offer a range of colours, patterns, and designs to help you create a unique and personalised blanket for your little one. Start designing your perfect baby blanket today and give your baby the comfort and security they deserve!

April 27, 2023 — Susan McAskill